Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Some of the other codenames I found interesting were India's and China's. India called theirs "Smiling Buddha", which I think is an odd thing to call a WMD. I don't think "Smiling Jesus" was ever even a consideration for our bomb. It certainly sounds innocuous enough though, like a project that would involve you rubbing a brass tummy as opposed to dropping 12 kilotons on some guy's house. China named theirs "596". I imagine that's just China's way of giving the finger to creative expressionism. Typical China. I don't know where China dropped the other 595 bombs before they made one that worked. Probably Tibet.


  1. How can you say your don't like spiders? I'm pretty sure Simone's offspring are ALL over the house. I found another GIANT spider last night. Ugh.

  2. I actually had "alligators" written in there originally, but I thought it would distract too much from the flow of the joke. You're right though, it would be odd for someone who once kept a poisonous spider as a pet to have a fear of spiders.

  3. You don't think "Trinity" is surprisingly close to "Smiling Jesus"?
