Saturday, July 24, 2010

This is not my attempt to justify my misdeeds on the interweb. Piracy is bad and shouldn't be supported or engaged in. Yet it does make enjoying all things digital affordable for one such as I. I also buy generic brands (such as Golden Puffs. I love that stuff, probably because over fifty percent of the weight is pure sugar. No joke.) so there's really no hope for me. At least not now- I intend to stop one day after a) I start earning money and b) I find my moral center again.

Also, you won't find The Prize Fight on You'd be hard pressed to find them anywhere, since they were small time and broke up years ago. I liked their stuff back in high school though, check 'em out if you want.


  1. Where do you find these cartoons, Tyson? They're fairly legit.

  2. They're usually the end product of me lying on my bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking "c'mon man... think of something funny" for anywhere between half an hour to an hour.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I just realized you wrote them....

    So... Dear Tyson,
    You should publish some of these. I'm being serious. No, really. I'm being serious.
