Thursday, July 1, 2010

I'm flying back to New York tomorrow for a family reunion. I'm pretty sure it's bad luck to draw a picture of an airplane crashing the day before you fly across the country. I guess if my plane crashes, everyone will be like "he had it coming."

For all you trivia buffs out there, this is the first nightshift steven drawn using my new Wascom pen tablet and on the Windows 7 paint program. I like the XP paint better personally- the zoom function for some retarded reason has to be tabbed to in the newer version. I thought the pen tablet would make drawing these things a lot easier, but it's just as hard, only harder in different ways.

I added the last line on this comic as an afterthought. I like how Bill Nye used to throw up both his arms and yell "SCIENCE" after he got done explaining a topic. I'm not sure if global warming is pseudoscience or just the regular kind, but I am pretty sure it won't bring down aircraft. I've got to admire the first pilot who flew his plane through a rainbow, because I bet he didn't know that. I mean, it's not like on the ground you can throw a rock at a rainbow and see if it goes through or not. I guess you could like fire a missile or something at it to test its permeability. But then you risk the rainbows launching a counter attack. Risky.

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