Saturday, April 9, 2011


I didn't buy any books this semester. There were some that were required for my classes, but I wanted to wait until it was absolutely critical and essential to me passing the class before I paid for them. Eleven weeks into the semester now and I'm pretty sure I won't have to by this point. Not having access to any of the information in the class has necessitated a lot of guessing on my part. Lucky for me, I am a phenomenal guesser. Sadly, I don't currently have the GPA to prove it. I totally spaced a midterm. Well, I didn't forget about it, but I thought it was due by 12am and not 12pm.

She wrote me back, essentially telling me to go suck an egg and that I had a zero for the midterm. Laaame. I didn't learn anything in terms of not procrastinating. I still haven't filed my taxes yet, and now that the government is going to shut down forever the IRS won't ever mail be back my rebate. Which is really too bad because I was going to use that money to buy a really cool laser pointer.

Why is there a tapeworm on the counter? Who knows. Chuck-E-Cheese is pretty gross like that...

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