Thursday, March 31, 2011


Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Monday, March 28, 2011

Sunday, March 27, 2011


About a week ago I stopped doing the dishes. The sponge I was using to clean them was old and smelled like the type of bacteria that would turn my digestive track into Bosnia circa 1993 so I had to throw it out. I don't own very many dishes, and it didn't take long before all of them were sitting in the sink. Then I started eating out of Tupperware. Then I was out of clean Tupperware. Since then I've been living off Gobstoppers and Oreos.

Friday, March 25, 2011


Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Right Track

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Date Night

I didn't have an ice skating date tonight. I didn't have any date tonight, for that matter. I stayed home and read 'A Game of Thrones'. "Oh man, that is such a nerdy book," you say. You're talking to the same guy who's read both 'Children of the Mind' and 'Children of Dune'. So yeah, I'm not going to refute that. Or likely have a date next week either.

Friday, March 18, 2011


whatever, i hate this and im done

I started this project almost a year ago. One year. I think it's time I come to terms with the fact that I'm never actually going to finish it. Growing up, I knew I hated certain things. Tomatoes. Marmosets. Bleeding to death. I never imagined I would hate lip syncing as much as I do now. It is the worst.

So there were a couple visual gags I was going to add- Steven was going to do a google search of "knee cancer" and it was going to return zero results, and in the end Nick was going to hold up a picture of a yellow VW Bug and punch Steven. But other than that it was just the two of them talking and I did not want to sync that. Maybe I'll do another one in the future, but with talking bubbles. Also, thanks to Beau for Nick's voice.

...and for some reason the latter half of the video wont load. Oh well. It was way funny. Use your imagination. 

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Working with Gramps

click to enlarge

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Writer's Block

Friday, March 11, 2011


Professor Marbot-

At the beginning of the week I checked Blackboard to see when the midterm was due by. I saw it was Friday and concluded that, similar to the postings, it must be by midnight. Typical to my nature and manifested by my several Friday 11:30pm postings, I waited until the last minute to start the test. Much to my chagrin, ten minutes ago I discovered the test had already been recalled. I realize my having missed the test is a quantifiable representation of my irresponsibility and the purpose of this email is not in any way to seek redress for my habitual procrastination. The syllabus was nothing but explicit about the availability expiration of the test, but if there's any form of  truancy with percentage deduction clause the especially penitent qualify for I would be eternally grateful. If not, I understand the consequences and hope to compensate with exceptional performance on future assignments. And even without any measure of clemency, this letter will at least prove to the instructor that while I may be irresponsible, at least I'm not apathetic about it. That makes me feel slightly better about myself, though it does little to improve my GPA.


Man, if there ever was a guy who set himself up to be punished for being such a smart a in class, I am that guy. Response pending. 

Thursday, March 10, 2011

My friend is selling the t-shirt on the left here. I'm trying to pitch the one on the left. It's not the more Christlike of the two, but it would increase his market base.


Why aren't there more movies that come at a situation from the perspective of the invading aliens or lunching zombies? "District 9" came kind of close I guess, but I don't want to form an opinion on Armageddon until I see both sides of the story.  

Friday, March 4, 2011

Week 7 Response


You are a pizza shop owner and have determined that is costs you $6.00 to make a 12 slice pizza.  Discuss the price you would charge for a slice and why.  Be sure to consider other factors as well as cost.


What's up with all these pizza related questions? "What would the mission statement of your pizza store be? What would you call your pizza store? How much would you charge per slice?" Does anyone else here think the teacher recently opened their own pizza store, and is now farming her class for ideas on how to run it? If the final exam is something like "the last thing you need to do to finish the class is buy a large pizza at Mimi's Pizzeria and then tell all your friends how great it was" I will be 0.00% surprised. 
Also, getting ideas from the class is a terrible business strategy. There are some really, really bad ideas out there. Case and point:

I would charge $4.00 a slice because I'm looking to make an obscene profit per pizza. I wouldn't have any overhead costs because I would be making and selling the pizza out of a renovated ice cream truck that I would drive around on campus. I could get away with charging that much per slice because I'm the only pizza truck in the area. It would look like this:

Anyone steals my idea, be it teacher or student, and you'll be hearing from my lawyers.

back by popular demand, here's that other student's response:

I would charge 1.00 because selling in bulk is always cheaper because you will you will reach some profit. When you make a whole pizza it is a definate fact that you will sell the whole pizza. Selling the pizza slice by slice is never a definate process. With selling the slices for a dollar you would only need to sell 6 slices in order to make your money back and would allow for a 6 slice waste margin to cover any dropped slices as well as pizza that was never sold and got old or slices unsold at the end of the workday.  The bonus to selling a dollar a slice is there would be a profit of .50 cents a slice or 6 dollars a pizza which is a smart buisness move people are willing to pay for convience!!