Thursday, October 29, 2009

BYU Review 10.28.2009

Dr Epic and Blayzer's first BYU Review.

this one was long and boring. in the future we're going to break them up a little more.


  1. blazer.. you shouldn't chew gum on screen. i also really like pizza pie cafe, and this video is pretty great.

  2. 1. I can't believe I just watched you and Beau talk for 20 minutes.

    2. I love how Blazer noticed the spinach and craisens at the salad bar. Kinda fruity.

    3. Were any girls with you guys at these places you went?

    4. That's all.

  3. Oh! Also, I forgot, you mentioned me! and Nate. And it wasn't to make fun of us! That was pretty cool.

  4. There was a girl at the Pizza Pie Cafe, and at "This Is It".
